Welcome to my gallery!

Here you can view screenshots of some of the projects/work that I have done over the years.

As you will see, I mostly enjoy creating games and have created/worked on numerous types of games over the years
but I've written applications for business and homework use as well.
I've also created a few of my own websites, including this one.

The most money I've ever been paid straight out for a single project was $1,228.
The most money I've accumulatively earned in sales for a single game (Scare Me) is over $12,000.
To date, I've earned from my projects and websites over $16,000.
I'm always starting on some new idea or project.

So anyways, click on one of the buttons above or below to view the projects in that area.

You might even find a game or two to play...



...or you can visit the main WolRon page...

This page was last updated on 11/11/19,