WolRon bio

Well, here I am.  Mr. Ron Wolbeck.  Not much to look at, is there?  Actually, I really like this photo.  I've always been a fan of Schwarzenegger, and I think I might look a bit like him in this pose. What do you think?
<begin Arnie voice> "I'll be back!" <end Arnie voice>
Some of the guys back in Basic Training used to call me 'Hero' because I guess I also reminded them of someone heroic.

The image on the right was shot in Negril, Jamaica at Margaritaville during my sisters wedding in 2005.  We had a wonderful time and stayed at the Wyndham Rose Hall Resort. 


Well, since this is a biography page, I might as well tell you about myself:

I was born in Sep of 1973 in Melrose, MN.  I grew up on a hobby farm.  I attended Grey Eagle Public School in (you guessed it) Grey Eagle, MN.

I joined the Minnesota National Guard in Dec. 1991 during my senior year of high school. After graduating high school, I went to Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training for TOW/Dragon Missile Maintenance at Redstone Arsenal in 1992. I returned from AIT in 1993.

I started school at Staples Tech. for an AAS in Robotics/Automated Systems Technology in 1993. In 1995 I immediately acquired a job in Chicago, IL. at Ellison Machinery and Robotics and spent the next 9 months assembling a $2,000,000 cell consisting of 6 CNC machines being serviced by 2 robots.

Avery, my first daughter was born in Aug. of 1995. Kalley, my second daughter was born 10 months later in June of 1996.

I moved back to Minnesota and landed a job at Columbia Gear in Avon, Minnesota in 1998 as a machinist. One year later, I transferred to the maintenance department of Columbia Gear.

I quit the National Guard in Dec. 2000 after 9 years of service.

I am currently still working at Columbia Gear (18 years at the time of this writing) as an electrical/mechanical maintenance technician fixing machines. At one point along the way I also spent 6 months working in the Engineering department. I continue to work at Columbia Gear yet since they continue to pay me decently.

Over the years, I have dabbled in writing computer programs, mostly games, including Scare Me for the XBox360. I also created this website and the ever popular BASIC programming tutorial. Over the years, I've made well over $10,000 off of my games/websites so far.

I am currently sitting at 43 years of age (at the time of this writing).

I guess I'll end this with a photo of myself from a 6-9 month time span where I decided to just let my hair grow.  Here it is  :)