Sensible dieting and health

No matter who you are, you need to eat.  Sometimes (especially for some of us), we need a little help in that department.  Here's a calculator for you that figures out EXACTLY how many calories you should consume in order to lose weight:
Get the skinny on Calories

The easiest way to stay thin is to never get fat in the first place!  For real.  Let me explain:
Fat cells don't go away...

Do you struggle with avoiding cold sores?  It's not as hard as you might think.  Here's a little secret to avoiding those nasty little bumps:
The secret behind cold sores

Weird and Unique Animals

A short list of some of the strangest and most unique animals on the planet

List of All time Favorite Movies

Check out these classics of classics

Quotes from the Best Song Lyrics ever written

Check out these lyrical masterpieces

List of All time Favorite Games

Check out these gaming wonders

PC power consumption and the cost of electricity to run a server for a month

What does it cost to leave a computer/server on 24/7?  What does it cost if the computer/server is on standby?  How much power does a 'standard' computer use?
Check out my test results here...

Programming Resources
BASIC Programming Tutorial My very own extremely popular programming tutorial for the BASIC computer language. Riemers XNA tutorials.
Copyrights and Trademarks

Here are some answers to common questions people have regarding Copyrighted materials and Trademarks.  Most of this text is directed towards making computer games, but it can easily be applied to other works.  The Q&A is written in reference to U.S. copyright laws but may still apply to you if you live in another country.  The following texts were kindly written by and used here with his permission.

Copyright questions
Trademark questions and other misc. things such as MP3's and GIF's

For more (official) information, here is a link to the U.S. Copyright Office:

Also, here is a link to the U.S. Patent and Trademark office: